Thursday, February 16, 2012

10 Signs You Might Be a Slut …

You are a Slut – is that something that you’ve heard before? Being called a slut isn’t one of the best things in the world. In fact, it’s hurtful and in most cases, it isn’t accurate. What does it really mean to be called a slut? I know this topic is a tricky, even controversial one. I’ve done tons of research around the internet, to see how people can just go off and say ‘You are a slut’. I’ve compiled the best list I could that might point to why other people believe you are a slut, so please read through it because I’d love to hear your opinions on whether these reasons are accurate and what you think about the «ground rules» when you are being called a slut!

1. You Won’t Share Your Number

Your magic number should be something that is personal to you, but a lot of people think that if you don’t share it right away, you are a slut. Just because your number might be high, doesn’t mean you are a slut at all! Your number is your number and nobody should ever make you feel bad about it!

2. You Seek Out One-Night Stands

A lot of people actually prefer to have one night stands. It doesn’t mean that you are slutty, in fact, it just means that you like convenience. Sex is sex and everyone needs it, that doesn’t mean that you have to be in a relationship to have it. Sometimes, a one night stand can even turn into a relationship!

3. You Don’t Go on Real Dates

From the research that I’ve done, a lot of people associate real dates and the lack of them with a slut. Well ladies, just because you don’t go on actual dates doesn’t mean you are a slut. Sometimes, you don’t want to date a lot, but rather you want to hang out and see if you find a connection with someone. There is nothing wrong with that.

4. You Invent Justifications for Having Sex Right Away

If you have sex on the first date or as soon as you meet someone, you are a slut. If you invent reasons and justifications about why that’s okay, you’re also acting slutty. It shouldn’t be that way ladies! Just because you’re having sex soon, doesn’t mean you are a slut, it just means you like what you like. Just make sure that you’re practicing safe sex.

5. You Don’t Remember Every Person You’ve Slept with

Just because you don’t remember every single hook up that you’ve had, a lot of people believe that makes you a slut! Well ladies, I don’t agree with this label. I don’t agree that just because you might have made some mistakes or don’t remember a few of the people you’ve slept with that it makes you a slut.

6. You Hook up Whenever You Go Out

In the past, it was very taboo to hook up even before marriage. Well ladies, times have changed and I think that if you hook up whenever you go out, that is your business. Nobody should tell you when you can or can’t hook up!

7. You Dress Provocatively

Does this mean that if you show some cleavage or even just some leg you’re a slut? No! At least, that isn’t my opinion. Society has made it so that if you dress the wrong way, you could be construed as a slut. Ladies, I say that you should be able to dress however you want. What do you think?

8. You Do The Walk of Shame at Least Once a Week

Coming home the morning after a one night stand, wearing the same outfit from the night before doesn’t mean you’re a slut. Almost every girl has done it at least once in their life (even Carrie Bradshaw has done it!) and I gotta say, just because you do the walk of shame, doesn’t automatically make you a slut.

9. You Have An STD

I’m sure that a ton of you have had this misconception about a girl that has an STD right? Well, what happens if the woman is in a committed relationship and the guy ends up cheating on her and she ends up with an STD because of that? Does that still make her a slut? Just because a girl ends up with an STD doesn’t make her a slut!

10. You’ve Got a Never-Ending Supply of Condoms

Finally, the last misconception that a lot of people have when it comes to the ‘you are a slut‘ label is condoms. If you seem to have an endless supply of condoms, society will usually label you a slut. Well, to me, it’s all about practicing safe sex!

Just because some of these are justifications for the ‘you are a slut‘ label, doesn’t mean that the justification is true. Remember ladies, there is typically an explanation for everything and you should never slap that ‘you are a slut’ label on someone unless you know them. Has anyone ever said that you are a slut because of any of these reasons? Share how that made you feel, why you think other girls are slutty, or why you think the term itself is just totally unnecessary.


Anonymous said...

Girls everywhere and all you emasculated "men" who are trying so hard to be politically correct at the expense of your masculinity, listen up.

Men and women are equals. This does not mean that they are equal in every single thing they do. For example, men are, on average, physically stronger than women. It is much easier for a semi attractive (even a 6/10) woman to go out and get laid. The same cannot be said about men. Men have to work at it, have some skill (game) and thereby get a woman to sleep with them. It is a LOT harder for an equally attractive man to get women than it is the other way around. This is one of reasons behind why we, as a society, naturally celebrate men who are successful in bedding multiple women; while at the same time shame women who bed multiple men.

Let us briefly visit the topic of virginity from both perspectives. Virginity in a man is not a desirable state or label when it comes to an attribute that the opposite sex wants. This is because he has obviously not been preselected by other women. However, female virginity is not looked at negatively in the least by men. If she looks decent, no man cares if the girl is a virgin or not. In fact, a female virgin is often wanted more.

Now don't get me wrong, men LOVE sluts. We will never turn down an opportunity to sleep with a good looking slut. Partly because she's good in bed, partly because it's sex. But any decently intelligent, self-respecting man will know that it is a terrible idea to emotionally involve himself (i.e. date) a slutty girl. That would be a very dumb move. Why would any man want to get emotionally involved with a girl who's had 15+ sexual partners? We would just be setting ourselves up for failure. There are many nice worthy girls out there who don't have daddy issues and haven't slept with an entire fraternity house. But, by all means, fvck the brains out of sluts in the meanwhile.

Most guys can detect when a girl is a slut by the first few dates and by what he hears about the girl from other people and from the girl herlself. We put this information together and figure out if she is dating material or not. If not, I like most guys, will still go in for the prize but have no intention of following through with dating the dirty little tart.

To put it simply, a lock that can be opened by many keys is a useless lock and of little worth. But a key that can open many locks is a master key and is valuable.